We’re here to help you retire comfortably and securely.  

Partner With Us To Prepare For Your Future

Your federal employee retirement benefits are part of a complex system of rules and requirements. Our mission at Federal Benefit Advisory is to help you cut through the complexity and simplify the information. We’ll work together with you so you can make informed decisions, understand your options, and ensure you have the benefits in place that are right for your future.

Federal Benefit Advisory is the only Federal Employee Retirement planning service to offer personalized planning retirement consultation, in all towns, cities, 50 states and territories, no matter where you live!

The more you know, the better prepared you will be.

Our goal is to help you gain enough knowledge about your Federal Benefits that you will feel confident about your retirement decisions. Your needs are personal to you – there is no one-size-fits-all retirement plan. That’s where we can help. 

Learn the basics:

Since 1993 we have been offering NO-FEE retirement planning services for Federal Employees.

You can rely on our experience to help you make the right decisions.

Retired Federal Employees with their grandchildren

Are you a Federal Employee looking for retirement advice?

Get started on your path to a better retirement.

Connect with a Federal Employee Benefit Planner

The best way to get help is to speak with a licensed professional. Our federal employee benefits planners can answer questions and help plan retirement.  They are licensed, trained, experienced and happy to be of service.

Get a Free Customized Retirement Report

Our exclusive “14 page report” will illustrate your federal benefits, including your pension, FEGLI, Social Security and TSP options for any age and time you select.

Attend a Retirement Planning Tele-Seminar

Our regular Tele-Seminar are designed to help you understand your federal benefits and how to protect your assets, save on taxes, and avoid running out of money during retirement.
Federal Retirement Nest Eggs

My buddy (X) thought he knew everything about what retirement options. My other friend was devastated because when he followed (X)’s retirement advise. When I saw how bad advice can hurt retirement, I knew then, I needed professional help. You guys were on it and I will never be sorry I chose Federal Benefit Advisory.

We always keep our promise to be Trustworthy, Knowledgeable, Personable, Compassionate and Responsive.

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