If you have 10 or more years of service, you can retire at the Minimum Retirement Age (MRA).

Normally, a federal employee is eligible to retire from federal service when:

However, there are exceptions...

The Office of Personnel Management may allow agencies to temporarily lower the age and service requirements in order to increase the number of employees who are eligible for retirement, thus encouraging more voluntary separations via early retirement.

Under this type of retirement, your annuity will be reduced for each month that you are under age 62. The reduction is 5% per year (5/12 of a percent per month). However, your annuity will not be reduced if you completed at least 30 years of service, or if you completed at least 20 years of service and your annuity begins when you reach age 60.

You can reduce or eliminate this age reduction if you choose to have your annuity begin at a date later than your Minimum Retirement Age. You can choose any beginning date between your MRA and 2 days before your 62nd birthday.

Determine Your MRA

If your year of birth is…Your Minimum Retirement Age is…
Before 194855 years
194855 years, 2 months
194955 years, 4 months
195055 years, 6 months
195155 years, 8 months
195255 years, 10 months
1953 to 196456 years
196556 years, 2 months
196656 years, 4 months
196756 years, 6 months
196856 years, 8 months
196956 years, 10 months
After 196957 years

Early Optional Retirement

If your agency undergoes a major reorganization, reduction in force, or transfer of function, and a significant percentage of the employees will be separated, or will be reduced in pay, the head of your agency can ask the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to permit early optional retirement for eligible employees. If your agency gets approval to permit early optional retirements, eligible employees will be notified of the opportunity to retire voluntarily.

Health Insurance Implications

Keep in mind there are early retirement options with health insurance implications.


Upcoming Tele-Seminars

Thursday, March 27th
Noon – 12:45 p.m.

Thursday, April 10th
Noon – 12:45 p.m.

Thursday, April 24th
Noon – 12:45 p.m.

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Federal Benefit Focus

Early retirement can get complicated, so it's critical to connect with a planner to help understand your benefits in detail.

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