The FERS Supplement is a paid annuity for Federal Employees who retire before age 62.
If you retire early, the FERS supplement is a benefit you receive until you are eligible to receive Social Security.
The Retirement Supplement is a separate income source for qualified FERS employees that bridges the gap between your retirement and age 62.
This benefit provides a source of income, in addition to your pension, that mimics the age 62 Social Security benefit.
Who is eligible to receive the supplement?
The special retirement supplement (SRS) is only available for a FERS employee who retires on an immediate annuity at:- MRA and 30 years of service
- or Age 60 and 20 years of service
The retirement supplement stops at age 62 regardless of whether the Social Security benefits have started.
An earnings test is applied by the Office of Personnel Management that can cause a reduction or elimination of the supplement.Please sign me up for the December 19th seminar. I will try to make this one, I am running 4 small Post Offices and really never know how the day will turn out. Phyllis Ramsey has contacted me and has been very helpful answering questions I have so far.
- Postal Service Employee

Upcoming Tele-Seminars
Thursday, March 27th
Noon – 12:45 p.m.
Thursday, April 10th
Noon – 12:45 p.m.
Thursday, April 24th
Noon – 12:45 p.m.
Order your custom retirement report
Our free “14-page report” will illustrate your stand-alone & combined Pension, Social Security and TSP options & other income for any age & time you select.