Service Computation Date (SCD)

Federal Benefit Advisory

We receive many questions regarding the Service Computation Date (SCD), as it seems very confusing. Different dates in different places? Correction, ‘Seems’ confusing is incorrect, it IS confusing, so let me try and provide some clarity.

There are four (4) different SCD dates.

Each federal employee has four (4) possible computation dates (comp date):

  1. Comp date for annual leave
  2. Comp date for TSP,
  3. Comp date for purposes of Reduction if Force (RIF), if that should occur.
  4. Full or Early Retirement date.
  • Annual Leave SCD:

This is the amount of leave earned, determined by what you have earned during each pay period, whether part time (hours) or full time hourly or salary.  Surprisingly, note that if you are former military (not retired military), even though you have not purchased military time, your military service is calculated into the annual leave SCD.

  • TSP Comp date:

Your comp date will be 3 years after the hire comp date, as TSP must consider the VESTING in the government’s Automatic 1.00% contribution and earnings. Vesting, meaning, you must wait 3 years before you are able to withdraw the funds the government has contributed.

  • RIF, Comp date:

 In the event your location, shop, office, center, hospital or other federal location of your employment is involved in a Reduction in Force, (RIF) you will have a comp date with the following as consideration:

Your creditable service, usually your first date of appointment. Usually, the leave and retirement SCD are the same, which would does not include sick leave, which WILL BE INCLUDED IN YOUR RETIREMENT ANNUITY, but does not add to creditability.

Also, RIF does not include the following: 

  • Excess leave without pay (LWOP)
    • Any federal service requiring a deposit, which has not been paid.Temporary service prior to 1989 Break in service in excess of three (3) days.
    • Military Service unpaid deposit.
  • RIF may or may not include VERA or VSIP.

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