The Basic Forms in Retirement and Retirement Information before you file for federal retirement.

Federal Benefit Advisory

The basis in planning a vacation or retirement is where you begin the first step and know your destination. Detours and roadblocks can spoil the best laid plans.

Next to the dates, you need to know that all records and benefits are correct.

Below are forms for information, filings, and changes.  To obtain any form, go to the OPM site, ask for forms. (below) You may request form there, or contact your HR.

The review of your career, Personnel changes (SF-50), in other words, are you set in pay and benefits that are supposed to be in place?  Correction of a mistake after retirement is not impossible, but it isn’t as easy as correction before retirement.

If you are divorced, check with OPM regarding any QDRO’s on file.  A divorce 20 years ago could have your former spouse listed as beneficiary or as spouse.  If your domestic situation has changed since the divorce, are your records up to date?

The OPM site:

Basic forms the employee must understand:

  • Retirement Application:  SF-3107

Before applying for retirement, check for the following:

  • SF-50 (Notification of Personnel Action) check for all actions and income,
  • Military buy back information
    • chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ (military record)If you do not have DD-214, SF 180 requests DD-214 or military records.Ri 20-97 :  Estimate of  military earnings.
    • Request for Military buy back:  OPM 1514
  • Beneficiary changes: SF2823
  • If Divorced, check OPM for QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order) Court order to share pension, Survivor Benefit, TSP, FEGLI & health benefits.

Standard Forms (from

Standard Forms are used governmentwide for various employment and benefits program purposes. Browse the listing below to download your choice of form(s). 

On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. As a result of the Supreme Court’s decision, the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will now be able to extend certain benefits to Federal employees and annuitants who have legally married a spouse of the same sex, regardless of the employee’s or annuitant’s state of residency. OPM is currently in the process of updating and revising the website to reflect this change and will be updating this information as soon as possible. Please check back in the coming weeks for updates.

SF 15Application for 10-Point Veteran’s Preference(Fillable PDF file)
SF 39Request for Referral of Eligibles (Fillable PDF file)
SF 39ARequest and Justification for Selective Factors and Quality Ranking Factors (Attach to SF 39)(Fillable PDF file)
SF 50Notification of Personnel Action(PDF file)
SF 52Request for Personnel Action (PDF file)
SF 59Request for Approval of Non-Competitive Action(PDF file)
SF 61Appointment Affidavits (Fillable PDF file)
SF 62Agency Request to Pass Over a Preference Eligible or Object to an Eligible(Fillable PDF file)
SF 75Request for Preliminary Employment Data (Fillable PDF file)
SF 85Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions(PDF file)
SF 85PQuestionnaire for Public Trust Positions(Fillable PDF file)
SF 85P-SSupplemental Questionnaire for Selected Positions(Fillable PDF file)
SF 86Questionnaire for National Security Positions (2016)(PDF file)
SF 113AMonthly Report of Federal Civilian Employment(Fillable PDF file)
SF 113GMonthly Report of Full-Time Equivalent/Work-Year Civilian Employment(Fillable PDF file)
SF 144Statement of Prior Federal Service(Fillable PDF file)
SF 144AStatement of Prior Federal Service – Worksheet(Fillable PDF file)
SF 181Ethnicity and Race Identification
SF 182Authorization, Agreement and Certification of Training(Fillable PDF file)
SF 256Self-Identification of Disability(Fillable PDF file)
SF 813Verification of A Military Retiree’s Service in Nonwartime Campaigns or Expeditions(Fillable PDF file)
SF 1152Designation of Beneficiary — Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Civilian Employee(Fillable PDF file)
SF 1153Claim for Unpaid Compensation of Deceased Civilian Employee(Fillable PDF file)
SF 1187Request for Payroll Deductions for Labor Organization Dues(Fillable PDF file)
SF 1188Cancellation of Payroll Deductions for Labor Organization Dues(Fillable PDF file)
SF 2800Application for Death Benefits (Civil Service Retirement System)(Fillable PDF file) 
SF 2800ADocumentation and Elections in Support of Application for Death Benefits When Deceased Was an Employee at the Time of Death(Fillable PDF file)
SF 2801Application for Immediate Retirement (Civil Service Retirement System)(PDF file)
SF 2801 PRAgency Checklist for Phased Retirement – CSRS(Fillable PDF file)
SF 2802Application for Refund of Retirement Deductions(PDF file)
SF 2803Application to Make Deposit or Redeposit(Fillable PDF file)
SF 2804Application to Make Voluntary Contributions, CSRS (Fillable PDF file)
SF 2805Request for Recovery of Debt Due the United States(Fillable PDF file)
SF 2806Individual Retirement Record(PDF file)
SF 2806-1Notice of Correction of Individual Retirement Record(Fillable PDF file)
SF 2807Register of Separations and Transfers (CSRS)(Fillable PDF file)
SF 2809Employee Health Benefits Registration Form(Fillable PDF file)
SF 2810Notice of Change in Health Benefits Enrollment(Fillable PDF file)
SF-2812Report of Withholdings and Contributions for Health Benefits, Life Insurance, and Retirement(PDF file)
SF 2812AReport of Withholdings and Contributions for Health Benefits by Enrollment Code(Excel file)
Report of Withholdings and Contributions for Health Benefits by Enrollment Code(PDF file)
SF 2818Continuation of Life Insurance Coverage as an Annuitant or Compensationer(Fillable PDF file)
SF 2819Notice of Conversion Privilege, Federal Employee’s Group Life Insurance Program (Fillable PDF file)
SF 2820Certification of Insured Employee’s Retired Status
(Fillable PDF file)
SF 2821Agency Certification of Insurance Status(Fillable PDF file)
SF 2823Designation of Beneficiary, Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Program (Fillable PDF file)
SF 3100Individual Retirement Record (FERS)(Fillable PDF file)
SF 3101Notice of Correction of Individual Retirement Record (Fillable PDF file)
SF 3102Designation of Beneficiary, Civil Service and Federal Employees Retirement System (Fillable PDF file)
SF 3103Register of Separations and Transfers (Fillable PDF file)
SF 3104Application for Death Benefit (FERS) (Fillable PDF file)
SF 3104BDocumentation and Elections in Support of Application for Death Benefits when Deceased was an Employee at the Time of Death (FERS) (Fillable PDF file)
SF 3106Application For Refund of Retirement Deductions (Federal Employees Retirement System) (SF 3106A, Current/Former Spouse’s Notification for Refund Retirement Deductions is included with this form.)(Fillable PDF file)
SF 3107Application for Immediate Retirement (Federal Employees Retirement System) (Fillable PDF file)
SF 3107 PRAgency Checklist for Phased Retirement – FERS(Fillable PDF file)
SF 3108Application to Make Service Credit Payment (Federal Employees Retirement System)(Fillable PDF file)
SF 3109Election of Coverage (Federal Employees Retirement System)(Fillable PDF file)
SF 3110Former Spouse’s Consent to FERS Election(Fillable PDF file)
SF 3111Request for Waiver, Extension, or Search in Connection with Election of FERS Coverage, Federal Employees Retirement System(Fillable PDF file)
SF 3112Documentation in Support of Disability Retirement Application (Fillable PDF file)
SF 3116Phased Employment/ Phased Retirement Status Elections(PDF file)
SF 3119Application for Court-Ordered Benefits for Former Spouse(PDF file)

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