Irreversible Mistakes to Avoid in Federal Retirement Planning

Federal Benefit Advisory

Question: “What are the 3 irreversible mistakes to avoid for federal retirement?”

Your question asked for three irreversible mistakes, but the fourth mistake could be the one most important to you, so I will list 10 of the mistakes we see most often.

  1. Not having a plan
  2. Know your pre-retirement budget and your post retirement budget.
  3. Not checking all your Beneficiaries (Survivor Benefit, FEGLI and TSP)
  4. Not reviewing your SF-50’s
  5. Not Understanding your FEGLI costs
  6. Being aware of your TSP risk tolerances.
  7. Understanding your Spousal Survivor Benefit, costs, and options.
  8. Not considering when to draw Social Security.
  9.  Your plan should contain location of residence, or, relocate to a less expensive locale.
  10.  Include your legal essential documents.

A balanced retirement plan will include all these elements. Budgets include downsizing, taxes, recreation and future job or business opportunities. If you are planning on returning to college or new career, consider anywhere in the USA, while considering at state, county even a city income tax. Property values, social and recreational life.

Reach out to us via, we can help guide you through the maze of questions and issues.

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