Buying Back Temporary Time

Judge Gavel

116th (2019-2020) Congressional Bill # 2478

‘Buy Back Temporary Time’

They are called our ‘Law Makers’ this is the body of Congress, consisting of two houses: The House of Representatives and The Senate. One side (House or Senate) will create a Bill, committee it, come out with a final version, vote on it then, if p[assed, then send it to the other body for vote. Once both houses vote, it goes to the president for final signature. This is how it is supposed to work, and in many Congresses (Currently we are in the 116th Congress) things are done. A Bill may not pass because it is flawed or pass because it has merit. Once the president signs it, it becomes law.

HR-2478 Bill, which, in my opinion has enormous merit. HR-2478 introduced into the House of Representatives, would allow federal employees that began their career as ‘non-career temporary’, may have worked months or even years without any contributions to the FERS retirement system. With much experience these employees lost those productive years relative to their retirement.

Precedent exists wherein a previous employment can be used towards the FERS retirement, that being a ‘Buy Back of Military Active Duty’ time? So, it makes sense that this inequity within the FERS system be made right!

 Enter HR-2478 (Rep. Kilmer D-WA) introduced in the last (115th Congress) and in the current congress this Bill to make things right. This Bill, if passed, would allow federal employees with temporary work time, which has not been allowed as ‘creditable’ towards retirement, to buy back that time, in the same manner federal employees with military service can buy that time, and add to the overall creditable time in service.

Both parties have now introduced a bill that would allow all federal employees to make catch-up contributions to their retirement accounts to make up for time they spent in temporary positions.

As of today, HR-2478 is in the Oversite committee. Oversight committee has been one of the House Committees involved full time with Impeachment. These ‘Other Matters’ are harming many federal employees that could retire soon or even now. You may wish to contact your congressperson and ask that to vote on HR-2478 and pay attention to the federal employee’s needs.

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