The Latest News & Information


We are receiving many questions about reductions in force, VERA, Incentives, Layoffs, and firings, which most folks have comingled words, meanings, and rumor in dialog. The real fact should dispel all issues because each has a separate meaning. A RIF, VERA or a VSIP, with most employees, do not fully understand what the difference is

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Federal Benefit Advisory


“I have a financial advisor” is something I hear several times each week. “He is guiding me toward my federal retirement!” …. That is fine, I hope. If your advisor understands the unique nature of the federal employee and your benefits. In most cases, your advisor is an investment advisor, a stockbroker, maybe an insurance

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Federal Benefit Advisory

No TSP Beneficiary

It is not uncommon for someone to have no immediate person to be the beneficiary of your TSP. You may be divorced, widowed, or perhaps never married. Almost everyone has someone, a brother, a sister, parents, uncle, aunt?  Let’s suppose no known living relative, then a friend.  I have seen federal employee, sometimes, as family-less. 

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Federal Benefit Advisory

Postal Service issues WARNING!

 ‘LiteBlue’ scam warning The United States Postal Service and its unions are warning employees of identity thefts from websites spoofing its employee benefits portal, LiteBlue, resulting in the USPS boosting security protections for that site. “When the USPS employee logs into LiteBlue, you will be required to reset your Self-Service Profile (SSP) password, verify the

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Federal Benefit Advisory

Are you a TSP Saver or a Day Trader?

The art of speculation can be, for some, the end of the rainbow or the gates to Hell. A sub-industry within the investment world is called Day-Trading. This is where the ‘know it all’ will buy and sell investments on an hour to hour or daily basis, the idea is understanding the market, influences and

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We are receiving many questions about reductions in force, VERA, Incentives, Layoffs, and firings, which most folks have comingled words, meanings, and rumor in dialog. The real fact should dispel all issues because each has a separate meaning. A RIF, VERA or a VSIP, with most employees, do not fully understand what the difference is

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Federal Benefit Advisory


“I have a financial advisor” is something I hear several times each week. “He is guiding me toward my federal retirement!” …. That is fine, I hope. If your advisor understands the unique nature of the federal employee and your benefits. In most cases, your advisor is an investment advisor, a stockbroker, maybe an insurance

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Federal Benefit Advisory

No TSP Beneficiary

It is not uncommon for someone to have no immediate person to be the beneficiary of your TSP. You may be divorced, widowed, or perhaps never married. Almost everyone has someone, a brother, a sister, parents, uncle, aunt?  Let’s suppose no known living relative, then a friend.  I have seen federal employee, sometimes, as family-less. 

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Federal Benefit Advisory

Postal Service issues WARNING!

 ‘LiteBlue’ scam warning The United States Postal Service and its unions are warning employees of identity thefts from websites spoofing its employee benefits portal, LiteBlue, resulting in the USPS boosting security protections for that site. “When the USPS employee logs into LiteBlue, you will be required to reset your Self-Service Profile (SSP) password, verify the

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Federal Benefit Advisory

Are you a TSP Saver or a Day Trader?

The art of speculation can be, for some, the end of the rainbow or the gates to Hell. A sub-industry within the investment world is called Day-Trading. This is where the ‘know it all’ will buy and sell investments on an hour to hour or daily basis, the idea is understanding the market, influences and

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Upcoming Tele-Seminars

Thursday, July 25th
Noon – 12:45 p.m.


Thursday, August 8th
Noon – 12:45 p.m.


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