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Federal Benefit Advisory

What Does Rate of Return mean to your TSP/IRA, 403(b) or 401(k)?

First, let’s look at the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) It was created to provide employees with a retirement boost in federally sponsored retirement benefits. To the federal employee as well as local government and private industry. The account are the TSP, but to include IRA, 401(k), 403(b) and other ‘Defined Contribution’

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Federal Benefit Advisory

Converting all my TSP to a ROTH TSP?

I get this question 3 or 5 times per month.  The answer in three words, YOU CAN NOT! and here is why: If you really want to convert your TSP to ROTH, understand that first, the conversion is a taxable event, therefore, your income, from the job, the income from supplement or social security, the

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Federal Benefit Advisory

Support for Guardsman & Reservists

Military Reservist or Guardsman, sometime face a conundrum; work or reserve? Did you know the law supports you, the Reservist and Guardsman under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. You have an ombudsman, to work for you, on your behalf. Employers signing a statement of support pledge that: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment

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Federal Benefit Advisory


what fact and fiction? What concerns me, is what is said about this subject, which is far from fact, when in fact, as of this writing, much is unknown and not explained well to the federal employee. I am speaking loss of job and early retirement through a , RIF, VERA, and VSIP, the incentive

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Federal Benefit advisory

Life Events Effecting Future and Retirement

What are life events? We know that the birth of a child, or the loss of a spouse are certainly life events, however, under the stress of divorce or buying and selling a home, we forget these too are life events. When something occurs, we must take stock and make sure that our lives and

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Federal Benefit Advisory

Federal Retirement

Is what you want, what you get? The TSP is clearly the most controllable of all elements of your federal retirement, so, you may wish to consider how you are managing those dollars. I think it is important for any written opinion to periodically back up their opinion with statistics. I have, for as long

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Federal Benefit Advisory

What Does Rate of Return mean to your TSP/IRA, 403(b) or 401(k)?

First, let’s look at the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) It was created to provide employees with a retirement boost in federally sponsored retirement benefits. To the federal employee as well as local government and private industry. The account are the TSP, but to include IRA, 401(k), 403(b) and other ‘Defined Contribution’

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Federal Benefit Advisory

Converting all my TSP to a ROTH TSP?

I get this question 3 or 5 times per month.  The answer in three words, YOU CAN NOT! and here is why: If you really want to convert your TSP to ROTH, understand that first, the conversion is a taxable event, therefore, your income, from the job, the income from supplement or social security, the

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Federal Benefit Advisory

Support for Guardsman & Reservists

Military Reservist or Guardsman, sometime face a conundrum; work or reserve? Did you know the law supports you, the Reservist and Guardsman under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. You have an ombudsman, to work for you, on your behalf. Employers signing a statement of support pledge that: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment

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Federal Benefit Advisory


what fact and fiction? What concerns me, is what is said about this subject, which is far from fact, when in fact, as of this writing, much is unknown and not explained well to the federal employee. I am speaking loss of job and early retirement through a , RIF, VERA, and VSIP, the incentive

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Federal Benefit advisory

Life Events Effecting Future and Retirement

What are life events? We know that the birth of a child, or the loss of a spouse are certainly life events, however, under the stress of divorce or buying and selling a home, we forget these too are life events. When something occurs, we must take stock and make sure that our lives and

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Federal Benefit Advisory

Federal Retirement

Is what you want, what you get? The TSP is clearly the most controllable of all elements of your federal retirement, so, you may wish to consider how you are managing those dollars. I think it is important for any written opinion to periodically back up their opinion with statistics. I have, for as long

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Upcoming Tele-Seminars

Thursday, July 25th
Noon – 12:45 p.m.


Thursday, August 8th
Noon – 12:45 p.m.


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