Federal Benefit Advisory

Retiring is an experience that happens once, usually, for a federal employee. Below are some of the forms and a basic process to follow.

Application for Retirement, SF 2801 (Civil Service Retirement System) or SF 3107 (FERS). Read through the application to find out about documents you might need to attach, such as your marriage certificate or military records.
• If you want to pay a deposit for civilian federal service that was not subject to retirement contributions or service where you retirement contributions were refunded, you’ll need to fill out the Application to Make Service Credit Payment, SF 2803 (CSRS), SF 3108 (FERS).
Voluntary Contributions Election Form, RI 38-124 (CSRS), SF 2804 (FERS)
Continuation of Federal Employees Group Life Insurance, SF 2818
Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments (federal taxes), W-4P
Designation of Beneficiary (if you need to update), SF 2808 (CSRS), SF 3102 (FERS), SF 2823 (Federal Employees Group Life Insurance), Thrift Savings Plan

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