George Shipe

George is Co-Founder of Federal Benefit Advisory and has developed a large clientele, applying a unique design for each individual retirement income plan. He works with federal employees about to retire, as well as those already retired with perspective on the changing needs of the client in retirement. George can be heard occasionally as expert guest on ‘Business Talk Radio’, ‘Right At Home Radio’ and ‘Aging Options’ a legal advice radio program, for the retired. He is a U.S. Army and Army National Guard veteran and member of the 3rd Infantry Regiment (Old Guard) Association.

Federal Benefit Advisory

How to build a bigger and better federal retirement?

Who doesn’t want a bigger retirement? Surprisingly, many federal employees work in positions with dead ends in terms of raises, promotion or other incomes that can have a positive effect on the retirement income. First, let’s look at influences of the retirement annuity (pension) The basic qualifications for a regular federal employee, full and immediate

How to build a bigger and better federal retirement? Read More »

Federal Benefit Advisory

Economy, an opinion

“Ain’t getting any better soon” It doesn’t take a PhD in Economics to understand the economy today. Oh, we hear the news, “Jobs Look Good”, “Inflation is under control”, “the market is up”, now let’s listen to the people: “I have to tap into my credit card too often”, “I can hardly afford to drive

Economy, an opinion Read More »

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